Sponsorship of the ECTA Round Table in Alicante

🗓 February 27, 2025 | 🌍 Alicante


On February 27, the round table “New Times for the Protection of Designs in the EU: What Will Change with the Reform?” co-organized by ECTA, the University of Alicante, and Magister Lvcentinvs, will be held in Alicante, Spain, to discuss the European design reform and its implications, as well as the latest case law on designs.

At Paperz IP, we are proud of our expertise in design research. Whether you need to date a product, identify a designer or carry out a prior art search, our archives and tools guarantee accurate and reliable results. That’s why we’re delighted to be sponsoring the next round table on design organized by ECTA.

Sponsoring ECTA Round Table 2025
Sponsoring ECTA Round Table 2025 in Alicante

Our design expertise

With our exclusive archive of magazines, books and catalogs, we have access to millions of manufactured products from the early 20th century to the present day. Our documentalists continually sort and list products by type, brand and date in our design database and digital library. So, depending on your design and trademark requirements, we can carry out targeted, multi-media searches:


Need to date a product?
Prove the novelty or originality of a design?
Identify a designer?


Find proofs of a trademark’s notoriety?
Proofs of the acquired distinctiveness through use?
Proofs of use?

Whether it concerns a toy, a jewelry, a furniture, a lamp, a pattern, a perfume bottle… We offer tailor-made searches in a variety of media: our documentary collection and our design database, of course, but also museums, the Internet, IP registers, and other external databases containing numerous international works, including the national or local daily press, the business press, and the specialized press in many countries around the world.


A Paperz Ip documentalist consulting a book in our archives

A design bulletin to prevent disputes

Keep abreast of the latest design news with our monthly Design monitoring bulletin.

This bulletin is a strategic tool for companies and IP professionals wishing to keep up to date with the latest design and prevent disputes. Our team of expert documentalists selects designs recently registered in the main industrial property institutes, as well as newly launched products.

Presented in a clear, concise format, this report allows you to get an overview of the latest designs in just a few minutes, and to position yourself accordingly: bags, jewelry, eyewear, sneakers… and more categories to come!

Right now, we’re offering you a free edition of your choice!

Ask for our price brochure and your free edition, and take advantage of our expertise right now by contacting us here


Design Monitoring Bulletin
Design Monitoring Bulletin