Design Searches
Before the launching of a product, it is essential to make sure that this design is not already protected, particularly under copyright ("droit d'auteur" in France), even if the date when the work was created has not been registered.
Do you have any doubts about the originality of a design?
Do you want to find the product designer, or date of the brand collection?
After studying your request, we offer a research strategy and a deadline to carry it out.
We undertake, according to your needs:
- prior art searches
- current market situations
- complete states of the art
Research can be carried out in our archives, on the Internet, among registers, in museums…
Our archivists also follow the trends in fashion, decoration, toys, etc, in order to provide you with an effective clearance service.
Our illustrated reports are great working tools for IP professionals.
Would you like us to check whether a design is original?
Would you like more information about a specific design, a specific collection?
We can help you before launching an action (counterfeiting, unfair competition), and when defending a design in court. We can check the originality/novelty of your design, or a design that is being claimed by another designer. We can also date a design.
After studying your request, we offer a search strategy and a deadline to carry it out.
Save time with our clear and illustrated reports.
Our archives are oriented “manufactured products”(bags, shoes, jewelry, furniture, decoration, toys, cosmetics, patterns …), however we are solicited by companies from many different business sectors, and can launch design searches in many areas: architecture, food, media, energy …

PAPERZ IP attaches great importance to the confidentiality of the information that it may receive in the performance of its duties and undertakes not to disclose any information provided by its customers.
— Camille Champion, Founder
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!