Want to take a look at our unique archives?
For over 15 years, we’ve been building a one-of-a-kind documentary collection, amassing thousands of specialized books, magazines, sales catalogs, and brochures. Our archives span from the early 20th century to today, covering a vast range of manufactured products, including jewelry, furniture, cosmetics, toys, food, packaging, handbags, and more.
Unique archives for unique services
Thanks to our archives and unrivalled expertise, we can offer tailor-made solutions to meet your requirements for trademark and design documentary searches :
Our collection is packed with millions of designs meticulously categorised by our documentalists by product type, date, and brand in advanced and custom-designed software including a designs database and a digital library.
Why Paper Archives Matter in Litigation
In legal disputes, physical documents remain an undeniable source of evidence. Our extensive archives provide the solid documentary proof necessary to support your case, making paper an invaluable asset in litigation. Paper constitutes tangible material evidence that is difficult to alter without leaving traces, and has a strong evidential value in court. It is also the assurance of having an older and more reliable source. Finally, paper documents are still regarded as the benchmark for evidence.
Lastly, we carry out searches in our documentary collections, but also in a multitude of media: the Internet, museums, IP registers, external international databases containing the national or local daily press, the economic press and the specialist press in many countries around the world.
Our searches are tailored to your needs. We are true experts who know where to look to find the information you need. Contact us for a personalised quotation!