INTA (International Trademark Association) was held this year in the US. Our founder Camille flew to Atlanta where she met and presented our services of documentary research on designs and trademarks to several IP lawyers and attorneys, as well as in-house counsels working for firms from different business sectors : fashion, interior design, food & beverage, cosmetics, media…

This important event gathers, each year, more than 10 000 intellectual property professionals from all over the world, Camille had the chance to meet and discuss IP issues with professionals from Italy, Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, the UK, the US, Brazil, Ukraine… through one-to-one meetings or at receptions organized throughout this intensive 4-day event.



About INTA

INTA (International Trademark Association) is a not-for-profit global association of brand owners and professionals dedicated to supporting trademarks and complementary intellectual property to foster consumer trust, economic growth, and innovation, and committed to building a better society through brands.



See examples of research we conduct

Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to learn more about our services!