ompi-camilleThe World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is the global authority responsible for policies, services, information, and cooperation in the field of intellectual property. 

In 2023, WIPO paid tribute to the determination of female inventors, creators, and entrepreneurs from all over the world and their groundbreaking works.

“Women in all regions are shaping the world through their imagination, ingenuity and hard work, but often face significant challenges in accessing the knowledge, skills, resources and support they need to thrive” according to WIPO. In this context, Camille, the founder of Paperz IP, was selected by WIPO among other women to celebrate World Intellectual Property Day. Over 10 years ago, Camille developed a documentary research service for intellectual property professionals. She managed to balance her professional and family life, facing difficulties related to her pregnancies and her children’s education.

Today, Paperz IP is made up of a predominantly female team, with 10 women who contribute to Paperz IP’s success every day. By choosing Camille for this celebration, WIPO highlights the importance of female entrepreneurship and intellectual property for the global economy.